Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507


Creativity Coaching from CAOS

Creativity Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management is an extension of our Conflict Coaching service that supports people in situations that they may not see as a 'conflict' but still one where they are feeling stuck or powerless or even 'lost' about what to do in a situation they feel challenged by. 

It could be as straightforward as:

"I feel stuck in my job but I have no idea how to change things for myself." 

"I want to move but I don't know if I should, or where I should move to if I do." 

"I have an idea for a book [or some other kind of personal expression or artistic endeavour] but I'm not sure about how to get started or what exactly I want to express." 

"I've been tasked with setting up a new project at work but I'm feeling completely stuck about how to go about it." 

Or it may be a bit 'deeper' such as:

"I'm really struggling with finding my purpose in life."

"I always seem to have self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours and I don't know how to open the door to expressing myself and my creativity without then being my own worst enemy."

The point is that it is through creativity that we empower ourselves to create change in our lives but we may often have limiting or unconscious beliefs or habits that obstruct us every time. These will be unique to each of us and so Creativity Coaching will help you to recognise yours and how they are affecting you. 

Creativity Coaching is, importantly, NOT about giving you answers and fixes because that is more likely to entrench you in thinking "I can't come up with answers for myself I have to have someone do it for me"....that feels even more dependent and powerless.

Creativity Coaching helps you to 'play' with a blank canvas of ideas and thoughts, where you can consider ideas, how you feel about them, whether you think they could work or not.

Creativity Coaching helps you to mentally try your ideas out and hold on to them if they seem like something to pursue beyond the session, or, just as importantly, to decide they don't work for you, so that you have been able to refine your thinking and ideas for moving forward and perhaps save yourself a lot of frustration and disappointment and a further sense of being stuck. 

Your Own 'Creativity Sanctuary'

Creativity Coaching from CAOS

If you are wanting a 'creative safe space' to stop and explore your ideas and personal challenges without the pressures to 'perform' for someone and without outside interruptions to your reflection and creative process, then give yourself a 'Creativity Sanctuary' in which you can explore your ideas however 'out there' or risky you think they are.

Alternatively you may be feeling a bit lost and down about things and you just want some space to be listened to and supported in creating new ways forward that make more sense to you and which you feel more power and control over.

Have a breather, give yourself some space, try some Creativity Coaching!

Creativity can sometimes be stifled as much by having too many thoughts buzzing around in our heads, without knowing which ones to focus on, as by having too few or no thoughts. 

Both situations can be helped by Creativity Coaching. 

The Creativity Coach is not going to splatter their own paint on your canvas and say 'What do you think of that as an idea?' because that obstructs your time and space to stand back and consider your own ideas. They will be patiently 'walking and standing alongside you', helping you pause to consider the possibilities for moving forward with the thing you are feeling powerless or stuck about.

Your Creativity Coach will listen fully to what you say you think and feel about the situation and help you reflect on those things as well as any ideas for actions you wish to take forward by asking you open questions to help you understand yourself and your ideas more fully. 

The Creativity Coaching space will be safe and uninterrupted, a sanctuary where you can just have a mental and also perhaps emotional 'play' with the situation you presently feel stuck in.

Tears are fine if they arise within Creativity Coaching, whether because of present frustration or from the release of realising a way forward. Laughter is fine too and will also often happen as the release from that sense of stuckness arises from within you!

How is Creativity Coaching delivered?

In the present climate of 'lockdown', Creativity Coaching is most often provided via Zoom or Skype or FaceTime but as you might expect there can be some creativity come into play with respect to where and how you can access it. If you prefer an 'in person' delivery then subject to CAOS having a Creativity Coach close to you it is possible to look into other ways of accessing the process that work for both you and your Creativity Coach. 

Normally a session will be for 1½ hours but this is flexible. We don't offer sessions for less than this timescale but we can sometimes increase it if you would like longer to explore your creativity challenges. 

Is Creativity Coaching available for teams and groups?


Creativity Coaching can help to access the massive potential of a group to create more than 'the sum of its parts' in exploring and creating new ideas for responding to project challenges, teamwork challenges, creativity challenges of any kind. We can design bespoke activities for the particular challenges of your group if you can give us an idea of what you are looking for, ideally from most or all of those in the group that will be taking part. 

How much does Creativity Coaching cost? 

A 1½ hour session costs £120 but you can  'try out' the first session for £80 to see if it is going to help you. 

Subsequent sessions will be at £120 or the pro rata equivalent if you want to vary the length of the session. So for example a 2hr session would be £160. 

Individual sessions are always paid in advance. 

The above fees are for online coaching via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. If meeting in person, some travel costs will also be applied but these can be negotiated at the time of booking. 

International clients are also welcome if online coaching via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime are possible for you. 

If you are looking for a group or team Creativity Coaching session please contact us to discuss your wishes and we will give you a quotation.

"If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness and creativity."

Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth.

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern."

 John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.


Conflict Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
Tel: 020 3371 7507

Would you like Conflict Coaching but you don't live in London?

No Problem!

We can provide it via Zoom!

Please let us know you'd like your Conflict Coaching via Zoom when you complete a Conflict Coaching Request form.

Are you:

An employer wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your employees?

A service provider wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your clients?

A health professional wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your patients?

Please CONTACT CAOS if you have an enquiry about Conflict Coaching or our other services.

Train to be a Conflict Coach with CAOS Conflict Management. Courses for individuals and for organisations. Click the link above to find out more.

"Hello [Coach], Thank you so much for coming the other day. I immediately put some of the things into action. I feel so much happier since then, as if a weight has been lifted. The situation has improved no end. I do feel empowered. I hope other people can benefit as I have done .... Thanks again." - Conflict Coaching client

Conflict Coaching for Executives and Senior Managers

Conflict Coaching for Workplace Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Family Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Bullying

Group Conflict

Conflict Coaching at Christmas

"I'm writing to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the Conflict Coaching sessions. I found them very helpful. It's helped me to realise though I continue to have difficulties that I can approach and look at them differently. And feel more empowered to face difficult situations."- Conflict Coaching client