Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507
Homelessness Mediation is a very good example of how mediation can be used for purposes other than just contractual or 'legal' issues which represents just a small proportion of areas and outcomes it can help with.
Homelessness mediation focuses on the resolution of difficulties between family members that may lead to one of the family becoming homeless due to their feeling forced to leave as a result of difficult relationships that exist in the home, or indeed they may be evicted from the family home.
Click here for details of our next Mediation Skills Training Course.
An excellent example of a homelessness mediation service can be found at the talk2sort website run by The Bridge in Leicestershire. They have extended their service to issues beyond just the risk of homelessness to include providing mediation for other family conflict situations, in the recognition that such issues can, in the long term lead to family breakdown whether homelessness is a present risk or not.
Here's a video about the experiences of a user of their service and how she saw mediation being useful in her difficult family situation.
Many of the mediators who work at The Bridge have had their mediation training from CAOS Conflict Management where we train people in a model which supports improved relationships between people who are 'falling out', in any context in which that may be happening.
Rebecca's Story from The Bridge (East Midlands) on Vimeo.
This is what Chantelle Bramley, Mediation Team Manager said, who trained with CAOS for her role as Mediator at The Bridge Housing Services in 2011.
"I really enjoyed the course. It met my expectations and more. I felt that the environment created by Alan and Susie was very relaxed and trusting. I always felt comfortable, and always felt I was able to ask questions no matter how small/silly they seemed. The small group also meant that i got to know people really well, and this made the role plays/activities comfortable and enjoyable. Thank you Alan and Susie!"
And this is what Molly Boggis said, who also works at The Bridge and who trained in the CAOS model of Mediation more recently:
"The whole course was fantastic - who knew I would enjoy role play so much!...It was a wonderful experience being on training that was delivered by such knowledgeable, approachable and experienced trainers."
Here's a discussion between Hannah Fox who is a Homelessness Mediator at The Bridge and Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management:
We have also provided Mediation Skills Training for staff and volunteers at Wyre Forest Nightstop and Mediation based in Kidderminster in Worcestershire. Click the link to find out more about this organisation that helps many young people who are experiencing difficulties, possibly leading to homelessness.
This is what one of the training course attendees said after completing their training:
"Was bloody excellent - as a Mediator Virgin I feel like I could follow a process, with practice, and mediate well!" - Lisa
Below is a video that tells you more about their work....
At CAOS we define mediation as a facilitated process that supports more effective communication and creative thinking in response to a conflict, and what will often follow on from the use of this process is a greater level of understanding between people and, consequently, a more effective interpersonal relationship.
For families where there is a risk of such severe breakdown in relationships,often due to a lack of opportunities for effectively communicating, that a family member moves out or is 'kicked out', homelessness mediation can be a welcome sanctuary for one or more of the family members to enter into in order to try to improve their situation.
The CAOS Model of Mediation is unusual in that it accommodates the possibility that only one person from the family may be wanting mediation, but the process is still able to support that individual in making positive and constructive changes that can have a welcome 'knock on effect' for the rest of the family.
In many mediation models there is a dependence on a Joint, or 'face to face' meeting having to occur before there is considered to be any chance of improvement. Our approach in all areas of application supports resolution at every session with the mediation participants whether individually or together. This increases the number of people who can be helped as situations that might be excluded from the service because of a belief that 'it needs all participants to want to try it' is no longer preventing support being provided.
See this short video about the CAOS Model and why it is particularly suitable for homelessness disputes and other family conflict related situations:
If you, or your organisation, are looking for training in mediation skills for application in situations where there is a risk of homelessness, please get in touch with us to discuss your training needs.
We can provide commissioned training for organisations at their site, or individuals can attend our Mediation Skills Training Course which we hold roughly 3 times a year in West London.
Alternatively, please call us on 020 3371 7507 to discuss your interests in training further.
Join our Online course:
An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more
CAOS Conflict Management provides mediation in all types of dispute situations but links to some of the main areas are given below:
University Mediation including student complaints and accommodation disputes.
Please click the image above or the text below to purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management:
Equality and Diversity Mediation