Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

The next CAOS Mediation Skills Training Course in London....

Our next Mediation Skills Training Course is going ahead on:

Mon-Weds 12th - 14th May


19th - 21st May 2025

Training is held at Key House, 106, High Street, Yiewsley, Middlesex UB7 7BQ (within London Oyster zones in London Borough of Hillingdon).

All days are from 10.00am - 5.00pm and tea/coffee is available from 9.30am

Please contact us on 020 3371 7507 if you have an interest in attending our Mediation Skills Training Course.

Here is a video giving more detail about our course:

What makes the CAOS Mediation Skills Training Course different? 

Tried, Tested, Effective: It has been tried and tested and used effectively in a wide range of areas of application over the past 22 years. In workplace disputes, family conflict challenges, homelessness situations, university student complaints, NHS complaints, Special Educational Needs disagreements, neighbour disputes. 

Consistent Philosophy and Practice: It has a robust philosophical and practical framework to provide trainees with clarity and reassurance beyond their training as a reference for how to practise appropriately so that in whatever context they provide mediation they are supporting more effective communication and creativity in response to conflict. 

Unique. The CAOS Model of Mediation is unique in that it is designed to support resolution at each stage of interaction with clients whether a Joint Mediation Meeting happens or not. This is because it was developed in response to challenges within neighbour disputes where statistically less than 50% of cases, and often less, have a joint meeting. This model still supports resolution even where there is not a willingness to meet. (And out of this unique approach, the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching was also developed)

This has knock-on benefits for its application in other areas where it is used, even where a Joint Mediation Meeting is more likely. Many models of mediation ‘rely’ on a Joint Meeting being the outcome of the process before it can be effective. For a voluntary process this is therefore problematic. Our model supports resolution whether a Joint Meeting occurs or not. 

Price. Our training is also much cheaper than most other courses but of an equal level of quality (so we are told by people who have attended our course and other, much more expensive courses). We don’t spend 10’s or even 100s of thousands of pounds on marketing our courses as we are a small organisation providing a small number of courses per year.

Other courses can be up to 4-5 times as expensive as ours but of no greater quality or effectiveness in training people in the skills required to provide an excellent mediation service. That’s why we are the ‘go-to’ training organisation for clients in a range of different areas of use of the process including universities, homelessness groups, housing associations and other mediation services. 

Accessible Post-Course Support - We have a Learning Community of Mediators and Conflict Coaches who are able to share practice experiences in order to reflect on and learn and continually develop their mediation skills and practices beyond the course. More details are given below: 

Mediator MentoringPost-course Mediator Mentoring

Mediation Training Course Accreditation?
Please be aware of some 'cloudiness' on this issue which we hope our video and links below will help to make more clear. 

Please watch this video (5mins 30s) to see our view on accreditation in relation to our mediation training course...

....If, after watching the video above you'd like to read more about the topic of accreditation, or 'qualification' in the mediation world, see also these articles:

Click Here to get the 'low down' on this ambiguous issue in the mediation world. 

Alternatively, read this post on 'Mediation Accreditation - Red Herring, Rip Off or Real Sign of Quality?

And finally this very succinct article by Tammy Lenski, a prominent practitioner of mediation as well as author and trainer in the USA where the same 'ambiguities' arise as in the United Kingdom: 

You Say You're A Certified Mediator.  Says Who? Note the difference between what Tammy says....that of being a 'certified' mediator and that of having a certificate to show completion of a particular training course. There are few situations in which a mediator has a status of 'certified'. Please be clear that you are aware of the difference when choosing your training course. Similarly confusions arise for the term 'qualified'. 

At CAOS we provide the CAOS Mediation Practitioners Certificate to attendees who complete our training course.

After the course.....

CAOS Conflict Management provides ongoing support and continued professional development opportunities beyond the Mediation Skills Training Course.

These are provided at a very reasonable rate in order to encourage the coming together of peers to learn from each other. Options provided include:

Regular Support Sessions - where CAOS Trained Mediators can come together to discuss cases they have been involved in and reflect on their practice. This provides a learning opportunity for all present to learn from other mediators' experiences. The course will address how to have such reflection sessions while still maintaining confidentiality for the client.

Themed Training Events - these sessions supplement the original training and provide an opportunity to look more deeply at aspects of mediation practice. Examples may include topics such as Working with Interpreters, Asserting our Role as Mediators, Questioning Skills, Mediating Group Disputes and many others.

One-to-One Mentoring for Mediators - if you want a more focused level of support, perhaps for dealing with a particular kind of issue, you can have mentoring from Alan Sharland or one of the Associate Mediators. This is available for non-CAOS trained mediators as well as those who have done the CAOS Mediation Skills Training Course.

Marketing Support and Training - whether practicing as a mediator for business purposes or for a charity, marketing your service is essential. CAOS Conflict Management can assist with the following:

  • Website development and design
  • Social Media Marketing - use of twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to market your mediation business.

And on top of all this, if you become a CAOS Associate Mediator, CAOS will provide you with opportunities to develop as a Conflict Coach and/or as a Trainer who can provide the Mediation Skills and other training, endorsed by CAOS Conflict Management.

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

A Guide to Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution - Mindful communication

A Guide to Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution - How Mindful Communication Supports Growth Through Conflict - available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle.

"I think you put together so well all the essential components of
conflict transformation in a way which people can relate to and
understand. A brilliant book and I will recommend it everyone!"- Jo Berry (

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

Purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management, on Amazon:

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace: Stepping out of the Circle of Blame to Create an Effective Outcome for All.

Some Testimonials about our training and links to other pages about our
Mediation Skills Training Course…..

"Alan provided excellent training for mediators at Common Ground Mediation which was challenging but also thoroughly enjoyable.

He led us through various interactive exercises to help us reflect on the mediator's role and impartiality. I would highly recommend Alan as a trainer for mediators."

Morag Steven Director of Common Ground Mediation, Edinburgh, Scotland.

"In my 20 years experience as an academic this is the best ‘in-service’ training I have experienced."

Dr Meretta Elliott -Senior Lecturer-School of Arts-Brunel University

This is what Brian Parry, Group Strategy Director at the Government Central Office of Information, said about our course:

"Very challenging but also excellent opportunity to acquire new skills. The skills are useful not just as a mediator but also in other workplace situations and throughout your life. Training is well thought through/structured over 6 days so you have a chance to learn through trial and error.

Really enjoyed the course and thank you to Alan and Susie for their enthusiasm and encouragement!"

And this is what Chantelle Bramley said, who was training for her role as Mediator at The Bridge Housing Services in Charnwood, Leicestershire:

"I really enjoyed the course. It met my expectations and more. I felt that the environment created by Alan and Susie was very relaxed and trusting. I always felt comfortable, and always felt I was able to ask questions no matter how small/silly they seemed. The small group also meant that i got to know people really well, and this made the role plays/activities comfortable and enjoyable. Thank you Alan and Susie!"

Update from Chantelle, 6 weeks after the course:

"Just a quick update, everything's going really well. I've got 16 open cases at the minute, and on average have two appointments a day!"

Would you like to Train to become a Mediator? Click on the link to find out a bit more about our course.

"I feel like this course is infiltrating into all aspects of my life right now! I'm currently really busy managing a team of students and I think I'm a better listener and a more empowering leader because of the course."

Joy Justice 

"Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict." - Dorothy Thompson

"It only takes one person to end a war, and you're the one. What a perfect set up!" - Byron Katie