Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

Skills Training Courses - Mediation, Conflict Coaching and Peer-to-Peer Resolution Support

Mediation Skills Training

Our next Mediation Skills Training Course is being held on the following dates:

Next course:

Mon-Weds 15th-17th July


Mon-Weds 22nd - 24th July

Training is held at Key House, 106, High Street, Yiewsley, Middlesex UB7 7BQ (within London Oyster zones in London Borough of Hillingdon).

All days are from 10.00am - 5.00pm and tea/coffee is available from 9.30am

The course leads to the CAOS Mediation Practitioners Certificate and once trained you will have access to our post-course Support and Training sessions with our Learning Community of CAOS Mediators.

Here is what Chantelle Bramley said, who was training for her role as Mediator at The Bridge Housing Services in Charnwood, Leicestershire:

"I really enjoyed the course. It met my expectations and more. I felt that the environment created by Alan and Susie was very relaxed and trusting. I always felt comfortable, and always felt I was able to ask questions no matter how small/silly they seemed. The small group also meant that i got to know people really well, and this made the role plays/activities comfortable and enjoyable. Thank you Alan and Susie!"

Click this link for more information about our next Mediation Skills Training course. 

Conflict Coaching Skills Training

Our next Conflict Coaching Training Course is being held on:

Weds-Fri 28th-30th August 2024


Thurs/Fri 12th/13th September 2024


Key House, 106, High Street, Yiewsley, Middlesex, UB7 7BQ

(within London Oyster card area) 

All days for this 5-day course are from 10.00am - 5.00pm.

Click this link for further details about our next Conflict Coaching Skills Training Course

The course leads to the CAOS Conflict Coaching Practitioners Certificate and once trained you will have access to our post-course Support and Training sessions with our Learning Community of CAOS Conflict Coaches.

"I would highly recommend this training course to anyone wishing to train as a Conflict Coach. For me this was more than just a training course. It involved much self reflection and open-mindedness and I felt inspired and energised throughout. What struck me most was the utter simplicity of the technique and then how very challenging that is to put into practice. I felt I was unlearning certain habits or methods I had previously used, as well as adding new skills to my tool box along the way. Alan is an inspiring teacher. The way he runs the sessions is so natural and relaxed whilst at the same time packed with information, examples, exercises, discussion and challenges to yourself. If you're thinking about doing this training, just do it! You'll be pleased you did." Marcelle Samuels, HR Manager at Global Journey

Peer-to-Peer Resolution Support Skills Training

CAOS Conflict Management has developed a 2-day Peer-to-Peer Resolution Skills Training course for University staff who support student wellbeing, welfare and achievement and wish to provide assistance for resolution of conflict in student accommodation and student group work contexts. 

What is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Resolution? 

P2P occurs when the ideas for how to resolve a dispute are created by those directly involved, and the actions required to move towards resolution are carried out by those directly involved.

This training is provided on-site for universities that request it.

Further details at the following links: 

Student Accommodation Conflict Peer-to-Peer Resolution Support Skills Training

Student Group Work Conflict Peer-to-Peer Resolution Support Skills Training

"Would very much recommend the course to other people. Having a chance to put 'principles' into practice worked well - making (many) mistakes along the way and learning from them." - Sally Morris - Student Welfare Team - University of West London

Workplace Peer-to-Peer Resolution Support Skills Training for Managers

This training introduces the same thinking and skills that are used in student conflict situations to workplace relationship conflict.

Our Workplace Conflict Peer-to-Peer Resolution Skills Training is for managers who wish to learn skills that support the resolution of conflict between those they manage. 

This training is provided on-site. 

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to Resolve Bullying at Work

Purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management: 

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace: Stepping out of the Circle of Blame to Create an Effective Outcome for All. 

This is what people say about CAOS training...

"In my 20 years experience as an academic this is the best ‘in-service’ training I have experienced. The quality of the training team’s preparation and the skill with which they conducted the course was impressive."

Dr Meretta Elliott -Senior Lecturer-School of Arts-Brunel University - speaking about a 6-day Mediator training course run by Alan Sharland and colleagues.

"This was not an easy course; the challenges involved in working outside one’s usual mode of operation were considerable, but the upbeat attitude of the trainers and the calm and supportive atmosphere they created meant that I was free to work outside my comfort zone in developing an approach to assisting others deal with their own situations."

Dr Mary Richards - Subject Leader for Drama - Brunel University - also speaking about the Mediator training course.

"This was a very successful workshop, feedback described the day as “fun”, “interesting” and “informative” with a “superb” trainer who had a “very thoughtful approach”. 100% of our attendees said they had enjoyed the course and they would recommend it to colleagues."

Tania Murrell - Business Development Manager, Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services - speaking about the workshop 'Dealing with Difficult Behaviour' run by Alan Sharland.

Train to be a Mediator with CAOS Conflict Management

"Alan provided excellent training for mediators at Common Ground Mediation which was challenging but also thoroughly enjoyable.

He led us through various interactive exercises to help us reflect on the mediator's role and impartiality. I would highly recommend Alan as a trainer for mediators."

Morag Steven - Director of Common Ground Mediation, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.

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