Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507
CAOS Conflict Management provides workplace conflict coaching training for anyone who supports others with workplace conflict. This can include:
The skill of conflict coaching is to support others in resolving their own conflict rather than try to 'fix' it for them, or ignoring it and wishing it would 'go away'.
Call us on 020 3371 7507 or
via our enquiry page to find out more.
In the workplace, managers are often called upon to intervene in difficult relationships between staff, but the intervention will often be one of trying 'fix' the problem, effectively suppressing it. This will be outside of the expected requirement of any manager - they were not appointed to fix people's relationships but to manage and oversee performance and effectiveness.
Unfortunately the 'fix' rarely works because there has not been resolution of the initial difficulty and as a result, resentment can occur towards the manager for requiring actions that do not appear to acknowledge the difficulties of those involved in the situation.
Conflict coaching allows for an expression and acknowledgement of the difficulty without fixing it. Conflict coaching expects the person involved to take responsibility for creating their own resolution of the problem, enabling the manager to remain focused on their role of overseeing performance of their team.
The confusion between what a manager is responsible for and what they are not responsible for in this regard is a common issue within workplaces. But where a manager simply says 'I don't want to hear about your problems' they can be accused of failure of duty of care towards their staff, so avoiding or ignoring the issue is also not acceptable.
Workplace conflict coaching training will enable a manager, or team leader to support the empowerment of their staff to create their own answers to their difficulty while still maintaining their role and their effectiveness and productivity within the role. It enables an employee or employees to address such issues as:
………and to come up with answers for themselves, because ultimately only they can in such situations.
Where an employee has clearly breached some form of expected code of conduct it will remain the manager's role to take action. But most workplace disputes are not examples of code of conduct breaches or gross misconduct for which a manager has the power and duty to act upon. The disputes are about different values and expectations, different ways of communicating, different understandings of each other's role, different pressures arising from taking a different role within the organisation etc. None of these are issues which a code of conduct is likely to cover.
If you would like Workplace Conflict Coaching Training for yourself or would like training for your managers and team leaders, or for particular individuals within your organisation please contact us.
Telephone: 020 3371 7507
We offer training for individuals via our general training course or we can provide a bespoke course for your organisation.
Whichever option you prefer please contact us on 020 3371 7507 or contact us online via our enquiry page.
Join our Online course:
An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more
The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook - click the link or the image above to purchase.
"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern." John Ford - HR Mediation Academy
Please click on the image above or the text below to purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management:
Guide to Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution introduces the 9 Principles that are also described on this site to help the reader develop a 'mindfulness' in relation to their communication in a way that supports the resolution of conflict. In this book
Alan shares his observations and learnings from working as a Mediator and Conflict Coach with regard to the ways that people become stuck in unresolved conflict but also how they go on to create more effective ways forward in their difficult situations.
"I think you put together so well all the essential components of
conflict transformation in a way which people can relate to and
understand. A brilliant book and I will recommend it to everyone."
Jo Berry -